CINVU | COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities
CINVU at a Glance

Appointment of the Secretary of the CINVU Legal Committee

Appointment of the Secretary of the CINVU Legal Committee

  • 2024/12/28

In a decree issued by the CINVU Secretary-General, Ayatollah Dr. Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad has been appointed as the Secretary of the Legal Committee of this international academic network.

According to the CINVU Public Relations Report, Part of this appointment decree states:

Considering your valuable expertise and commitment in the scientific, research, and legal fields at both national and international levels, especially in the Islamic world, I am honored to appoint you as the Secretary of the CINVU Legal Committee. It is hoped that together we can achieve the noble goals of science and technology in the Islamic world.

According to this report, Ayatollah Dr. Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad is a distinguished professor in religious studies and academia, a jurist, a permanent member and head of the Islamic Studies Group at the Academy of Sciences of Iran, a member of the Supreme Council of Shahid Motahari University, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Archives and Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He completed his academic education with a Master's degree in Philosophy and Islamic Law from the University of Tehran and a Ph.D. in Public International Law from Leuven University in Belgium.

It is worth mentioning that the COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) is an international educational, research, knowledge-based, and technology network affiliated with the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMSTECH), which is hosted by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran. With the idea of creating educational equity, CINVU is a base for expanding universal public education based on smart and online technology that by networking of capacities, uses the power of education, research, innovation, and technology, in line with the approach of helping to empower and advance the countries of the Islamic world.

In a decree issued by the CINVU Secretary-General, Ayatollah Dr. Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad has been appointed as the Secretary of the Legal Committee of this international academic network.

