CINVU Members Comprehensive Cooperation By-Law
Part 1) General
A) Introduction:
In line with the implementation of the provisions of the statute and regulations of the executive committee as well as the approvals of CINVU General Assemblies, and the executive committee, and in order to improve and make the activities of network members as efficient as possible, this regulation is for the purpose of using all the potential and actual capacities of educational and research, social culture, economic cooperation based on the commercialization of knowledge and knowledge.based products, as well as using the achievements of member countries and universities, it has been developed to achieve the goals of CINVU and approved in the third general assembly on May 11.12, 2022 and after the necessary amendments, it was informed to the members on October 24, 2022.
B) Objectives:
The goals that CINVU pursues in the implementation of this regulation is the interaction between CINVU members with the least executive processes, which are:
1. Quantitative and qualitative expansion of the field of activities of universities and help in the development of virtual education;
2. Dynamic increase in the specialized fields of professors, researchers, knowledge.based companies and other educational and research centers;
3. Optimum use of educational and research facilities and services available in universities;
4. Development of joint activities in educational, research, cultural and social fields and commercialization;
5. Creating an exchange in terms of human resources capacities and public resources of the member universities within the framework of the rules and regulations of the statutes and regulations of the academic centers of the countries members;
6. Establishing consortia and core organizations to synergize existing capacities and activate potential capacities that have not been activated so far;
7. Reducing the cost of studying in higher education courses at different levels;
8. The possibility of using potential scientific and practical capacities in specific areas and disciplines for students in choosing professors and course content from member universities by eliminating redundant processes of admission and evaluation for education;
9. The possibility of obtaining supplementary educational capacities as supplementary or secondary courses for students by passing in the main courses of their choice in secondary fields to the necessary capabilities.
C) Definitions of the Terms Used in the Regulations:
In order to plan and direct the current activities as best as possible, determine the duties, scope of work and create a common language with other real and legal stakeholders, the levels were determined as follows:
1. OIC: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which consists of 57 Islamic countries, which also has an observer member.
2. COMSTECH: Refers to the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC.
3. CINVU: the COMSTECH Inter.Islamic Network on Virtual Universities for short (CINVU), which is in charge of virtual education activities in the Islamic world based on the approved tasks and programs.
4. Secretary General: the Secretary General of the CINVU, who is the head of the strategic council and specialized committees, and is responsible for the implementation of CINVU affairs.
5. Executive Committee: There are nine members of the CINVU Executive Committee approved in 2019.
6. Strategic Council: A council that, in order to institutionalize the culture of participation and the use of microgroups in order to fulfill CINVU's mission and with the aim of increasing the effectiveness, efficiency and creating coherence and integrity in the programs, consists of the general secretary, the secretaries of the specialized committees and the deputy and The head of the permanent secretariat of CINVU has been formed, and in addition to the people mentioned, other real and legal members will also be in that council at the discretion of the secretary general.
7. Specialized Committees: CINVU's strategic council committees are responsible for reviewing and approving network programs in the process of educational, research, cultural, social, student cooperation, commercialization of knowledge, issuance of licenses and and other important issues that have a decisive role.
8. Student: Is a substantive or legal person who is a member of Islamic (permanent) or non.Islamic (observer) countries with scientific abilities and has a request to attend training courses that meet the academic level and academic rank. According to the application, the course will be decided according to the executive instructions.
9. Professor: Is a substantive or legal person who is a member of Islamic (permanent) or non.Islamic (observer) countries with scientific, professional and expert qualifications and is responsible for organizing and compiling educational courses.
10. Institutions: Legal entities approved by competent scientific, educational, and technological authorities and a member of Islamic (permanent) or non.Islamic (observer) countries, which include universities, research institutes, organizations and parks. Science and technology institutions, scientific associations and other institutions and educational, research and technology centers that have the necessary qualifications and relevant licenses to hold courses according to the licenses, instructions and regulations of the country of origin.
Note: For each notification, it is mandatory to hold the course in accordance with the cooperation agreement and its relevant documents.
11. Training course: The desired training course is based on the plans and policies of the network in 5 levels:
11.1. General education course: In order to increase the level of awareness, scientific, educational, and technological foundations of public entities of member and non.member countries, it is held in the form of media and the use of educational technologies, both online and offline which can be the time of holding a short.term course and is in line with the realization of the justice of education in electronic form for the general Muslims;
11.2. Vocational.skill training course: To increase the level of awareness and scientific, educational and technological foundation of volunteers, participate in courses to acquire professional skills in various fields (technical and engineering, basic sciences) humanitarian, medicine, art, language);
11.3. Short.term specialized training courses: to increase the level of knowledge and scientific, educational and technological foundation of candidates participating in courses to obtain scientific promotion in one of the sub.branches of different educational fields with the basic level of education with participation One of the institutions of member countries approved by CINVU and all the required services and affairs are under the responsibility and supervision of the organizing institutions and CINVU, and the certificate issued jointly and within the scope of the scientific capacity and credit defined in the course;
11.4. Special training courses: in order to improve the ability and scientific, educational and technological foundation of the candidates to participate in the courses that its common application in various educational fields and at the level of master's degree, doctorate is interdisciplinary, and in terms of holding conditions, it is in accordance with row 11.3;
11.5. Cross.sectioned specialized training courses: these courses are aimed at improving the scientific and technological foundation of the company's candidates in various courses in order to obtain scientific promotion in different fields according to the training course and the level of education with the participation of higher education institutions. The license is issued by the Ministry of Higher Education of the member countries and all required services and affairs are under the responsibility and supervision of the organizing center and CINVU, and the educational certificates issued jointly (network and institutions).
12. Virtual and combined education: Virtual education means holding online or offline training courses which is realized by using media infrastructure to carry out educational activities, which in some cases is done in a combined form (virtual and
13. Academic degree: the official academic degree of the course, which is obtained in each of the courses after attending, evaluating, obtaining the necessary qualifications and obtaining success in passing the degree course is issued to candidates. (the degree can be in physical or digital form).
14. Certificate: Official certificate of the course, which in each of the courses after attending, evaluating, obtaining the necessary qualifications and obtaining success in passing the course except for the courses, (which the certificate can be in the form of be it physical or digital), is issued to the candidates.
15. Course fee: It is the amount that the candidate must pay in cash or in installments according to the notices announced for holding the course and its manner and conditions.
16. Percentage of participation: for long.term planning and encouragement for stakeholders who strive to create different courses or realize CINVU's income sources according to Article 14 of the Constitution that after receiving it, they will share in the amount brought.
17. The content of educational management: all the documents that are based on the rules of conducting the course in written or digital form are the basis for candidates to get the necessary training in the courses.
18. Call: comprehensive information to CINVU members to attract volunteers and applicants to participate in the courses which can be done through the site, media, information systems or portal (CINVU portal).
19. Identifier: the line of checks that is given to real and legal members after confirming their qualifications and authentication for activities based on the organizational structure and access level in order to use the relevant services.
20. CINVU comprehensive system: a set of services defined by a person, whether a professor, volunteer, or other legal and real person, to use it, you must follow the instructions in it regarding authentication and registration of your information and request the desired type of service and after confirmation, it will be possible to use the access level defined in the system.
21. Databases: It is a data center or database which can be centralized or decentralized so that after carrying out and realizing the procedures foreseen in paragraph 20, it is possible for the applicants to use the capacity of the databases.
22. Language: Based on the approvals of the network, the official language for holding courses and other activities is English, Arabic, and French, other common and native languages of the countries such as Farsi, Urdu, Malay, Turkish, Spanish, etc. are not hindered for the activities.
23. Validation of documents and certificates issued by CINVU members: according to the requirements of the verification of documents and certificates issued based on CINVU's inquiry from the competent centers for the validity of the issued documents and certificates, the answers have been given. It is a confirmation from CINVU which is determined in the form of a code and with instructions issued by CINVU information technology and is done with the aim of speeding up the process of university inquiries.
24. Virtual educational tour: Participating in a part of the training course operations as needed to use scientific capabilities and experiences in the form of a tour, in the centers that the course organizer determines, in order to participate and pass the course syllabus in a scientific manner and passed an opinion.
25. Competency test: It is a test that the candidate takes for the part of his capabilities in the desired field with scientific and educational reserves who is in the desired field by participating in the exam, evaluates his qualifications that the documents issued in this field are in accordance with the instructions issued for participating in the exam and in order to facilitate the admission processes of universities, it is done with the management of CINVU and the relevant committee.
Note: Some joint courses between CINVU and other members can be held independently according to the priorities, which will only have the validity of a certificate and not a degree, which is approved as a valid course.
26. Representative office or branch: a center that, based on the approvals and instructions issued by CINVU, has delegated authority to carry out the actions of various affairs, on behalf of the main center in one of the places or centers located in another geographical location (overseas, within the border) is responsible.
27. Legal personality: it is the organizations that, based on the approvals and regulations and current laws in member and non.member countries, have the qualifications to do work in different formats, including private, public, cooperative, institute, knowledge companies. Foundations, companies, etc. have been determined and formed according to the laws of each country and international laws, which CINVU cooperates with to advance affairs.
28. Agreement and contract: creating a legal relationship between the parties based on the limits of determined in it, work relationships, accrued rights, obligations and the manner of doing things are determined in a certain period and conditions.
29. Power of attorney: a substantive or legal person who, according to the duties defined and delegated based on the creation decrees and legal decrees, has the necessary powers to carry out the matters listed in paragraph 28, and any action and its effects have a legal burden.
30. Brokerage: It means doing things that according to paragraph 28 of the substantive or legal person duties of a specific activity which is responsible for doing things according to specific conditions and following rules and regulations and laws.
31. Student recruitment and exchange: creating the necessary capacities to benefit from the scientific and technological opportunities of interest and needs of the students of member centers and universities in various fields in the training courses of paragraph 11 and other cases need.
32. Recruiting and exchange of professors: creating the necessary capacities to benefit from the scientific and technological opportunities of the interest and needs of the professors of member centers and universities in various fields in the training courses of paragraph 11 and other cases need.
33. Integration of documents and certificates: creating a common portal for all graduates in different educational levels and training courses in paragraph 11 to inform and find out all members about the number of graduates and remove Evaluation process for student recruitment and verification of documents and certificates among all members whose authenticity has been confirmed by CINVU.
34. Courses and resources: All content and texts approved by universities, which are presented to students by professors.
35. CINVU educational centers: educational centers under the supervision of CINVU, such as the International Language Center, the International Center for Short.Term Education and other required centers that were established independently in line with the goals and missions related to electronic educational justice and cultivates capable human resources in the management of virtual education in the Islamic world, and its certificates are approved by all CINVU members.
Note: CINVU can establish a large international virtual university as a model university in the world, especially in the Islamic world, with the participation of its members, and its processes will be announced.
36. Educational cooperation: joint educational activities between members at all levels for students, professors, researchers, faculty members, etc. are referred to in virtual and combined form with the detailed description of the second part of the regulations.
37. Research cooperation: joint research activities between members at all levels for students, professors, researchers and faculty members, etc., are referred to in virtual and combined form with the detailed description of the third part of the regulations.
38. Cultural, Quranic, social and student cooperation: to joint cultural, Quranic, social and student activities between members at all levels for students, professors, researchers and faculty members, especially scientists and Quranic reciters in virtual and combined form with description The fourth part of the regulation is detailed.
39. Cooperation in the commercialization of knowledge, technology and knowledge.based products: to joint knowledge.based and technological activities between members at all levels for students, professors, researchers and faculty members, etc, which result in the creation of scientific value and become economic in the Islamic world, it is said with a detailed description of the fifth part of the regulations.
40. International accreditation: refers to all accreditations, including institutions and centers, professors, students, researchers, faculty members, certificates, degrees and other related matters which is done by CINVU to the mentioned cases.
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