CINVU | COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities
CINVU at a Glance

The CINVU International Organization Secretary General met with the New Head of the Students Affairs Organization of Iran

The CINVU International Organization Secretary General met with the New Head of the Students Affairs Organization of Iran

  • 2024/09/11

The CINVU International Organization Secretary General and the New Head of the Student Affairs Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized expanding cooperation to strengthen the Islamic world's educational, research, and international knowledge-based programs.

According to the CINVU Public Relations Report, In this event, which was accompanied by the introduction and presentation of a report on CINVU's capabilities and achievements, Dr. Karim Najafi Barzegar, the CINVU International Organization Secretary General, referring to the strategic position and effectiveness of this organization as the only Academic Network of the Scientific and Technological Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, said: This valuable support has made CINVU, based on the networking approach, with nearly 170 educational, research and knowledge-based members, to organize outstanding capacities in connection with elites, thinkers, professors and students.

He further added: Hosting CINVU is an opportunity to expand Iran's educational, research, and knowledge-based cooperation with other Islamic countries, therefore, it is necessary to take steps in the direction of further exploitation of this feature.

Dr. Ali Karimi Morid, the CINVU International Organization Strategic and Executive Deputy and the Permanent Secretariat Head, in addition to presenting a report on the trial version of the CINVUPLUS SuperApp, states that joint educational, research, and technological projects between countries are one of the most important features of dynamic scientific diplomacy is known in the world, said: Based on an expert approach with needs assessment and an attitude towards functional learning, CINVU has created a smart infrastructure that will be presented to the Student Affairs Organization of Iran to expand and deepen cooperation.

At this event, Dr. Ahmed Pourghasem, the CINVU International Organization Education Director, stated that the international evaluation and accreditation body for the quality of educational services of the CINVU International Organization has started working, and added: This mechanism, which is called CEAQUALES, has been one of the fundamental programs of the CINVU Education Committee in 2024, which follows the organization of evaluation and accreditation of educational services in 57 Islamic countries, and has started its work with the evaluation and accreditation of Persian language education in the first step.

At this event, Dr. Saeed Habiba, the Head of the Student Affairs Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, mentioned smart building as a new approach of this organization and expressed: The Student Affairs Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready for all-round cooperation with the CINVU International Organization and the universities of Islamic countries, especially in the field of communication development and intelligence.

It is worth mentioning that the COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) is an international educational, research, knowledge-based, and technology network affiliated with the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMSTECH), which is hosted by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran. With the idea of creating educational equity, CINVU is a base for expanding universal public education based on smart and online technology that by networking of capacities, uses the power of education, research, innovation, and technology, in line with the approach of helping to empower and advance the countries of the Islamic world.

The CINVU International Organization Secretary General and the New Head of the Student Affairs Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized expanding cooperation to strengthen the Islamic world's educational, research, and international knowledge-based programs.

