CINVU Executive Committee By-Law
In lieu of Articles 4, 5, ,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 of the Statute of CINVU that was ratified at the First General Assembly of CINVU held on 24 September 2018, and in order to execute and implement the targets and purposes of the COMSTECH and OIC as well as to utilize the legal, statutory and executive capacities of CINVU and to increase effective, efficient and integrated measures of CINVU, this By-Law Instrument has been reviewed and ratified in the Second General Assembly of CINVU, held in Tehran on 7 October 2019.
1.2.1. "OIC" stands for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation;
1.2.2. "COMSTECH" stands for the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation Ministerial Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation;
1.2.3. "Member States" means any representative from Virtual Universities in OIC Member States and COMSTECH (Full members) and other Countries (Observer members) which is a member of CINVU;
1.2.4. "Virtual Universities" refer to all the universities, including online, electronic, open, distance and virtual universities, which are based on technological and IT based infrastructures and knowledge engineering and management;
1.2.5. "General Assembly" means the General Assembly of CINVU comprising representatives of the Member States as per Article 8 of the Statute of CINVU;
1.2.6. "The Executive Committee" consists of the Representatives of CINVU Member States including CINVU Secretary General, the number of which to be decided by the General Assembly;
1.2.7. “Secretary General”, means the Secretary General of CINVU Network.
1.2.8. “Focal Points”, mean the Virtual Universities of the Members States that to be decided by the Executive Committee and allocated for the purpose of CINVU’s plans and programs.
The Purpose of this By-Law Instrument, as in below, are:
1. to utilize collective views of CINVU management and make systematic and strategic plan to administer CINVU;
2. to promote, encourage and protect the collective cooperation of the Members of CINVU;
3. to utilize the thoughtfulness and capabilities of the Members of CINVU;
4. to visualize the best execution of CINVU plans and programs for the better quality and effective performance.
The functions and duties of the Executive Committee are:
1. to review and approve CINVU annual programs, activates and budget submitted by the Secretary General;
2. to implement proper strategies to optimize the efficient management of CINVU in line with CINVU Statute and related rules and regulations;
3. to monitor and supervise CINVU programs and executive affairs;
4. to collaborate with the Secretary General to convene the General Assembly;
5. to establish where necessary technical committees for special problems; and
6. to ratify the annual financial report submitted by CINVU Secretary General.
The powers and duties of the Executive Committees are:
1. to review and approve the annual work program and budget of CINVU to be prepared by the Secretary General and submitted to the Executive Committee for review and approval. The day to day operations and execution of such approved annual work program and budget will be entirely decided and managed by the Secretary General of CINVU;
2. to review and approve the appropriate strategic plans of CINVU in line with the Statue of CINVU;
3. to monitor and supervise the best performance of the programs and plans of CINVU;
4. to coordinate and cooperate with the Secretary General of CINVU for the best administration of CINVU in line with its Statute and targets designated by COMSTECH;
5. to review and approve the annual reports and audits of CINVU submitted by the Secretary General of CINVU;
6. to implement and fulfil the functions and duties as prescribed in the Statute of CINVU
7. to review, discuss and conclude any other issues related to or connected with CINVU that to be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee either by the Members of CINVU and/or the Secretory General of CINVU;
8. to review and propose to the General Assembly of CINVU where a Member of CINVU request in writing to relinquish its membership from CINVU, as per the Article of 6.3.2. of CINVU Statute;
9. to examine and approve with the official reports submitted by the Secretary General and to present them to the General Assembly of CINVU;
10. to propose the proper date to the General Assembly to convene at least once a year at a physical or virtual place as envisaged in Article 9.2. of the Statute of CINVU;
11. to call the General Assembly to convene for a special or emergency meeting where decided by the least two third majority of the Members of the Executive Committee; as stipulated in Article 9.3 of the Statute of CINVU;
12. to review and approve the internal regulations of the Executive Committee to be suggested by the Secretary General, as per the Article 12.2. of the Statute of CINVU;
13. to review and approve the financial resources of CINVU as per the Article 14.2.6. of the Statute of CINVU;
14. to review and ratify the financial, administrative, statute and legal procedures of CINVU to be prepared by the Secretary General and to submit it to the General Assembly for its review and approval, as per Article 18.1 of the Statute of CINVU;
15. to review, discuss and ratify the suggestions submitted to CINVU Secretary General for as per Article 18.2. of the Statute of CINVU;
16. to review and ratify the amendment when required and recommended by CINVU Secretary General, and then to submit such amendment to the General Assembly for the review and approval of the two third majority of the General Assembly of CINVU, as per Article 19 of the Statute of CINVU;
17. to review and approve the Focal Points of the Virtual Universities whether in the IOC’s Members States or in non-Islamic states in order to cooperate and coordinate with the CIVNU and its Secretary General for the best performance of the CIVNU agenda, program and plans in line with the Statute of CINVU.
18. to elect of secretary general according to 10-1 article of statute after the first executive committee for 4 years.
1. The Executive Committee consists of the Representatives of CINVU Member States including CINVU Secretary General, the number of which to be decided by the General Assembly;
2. Any CINVU’s virtual university that intends to be nominated as the Member of the Executive Committee and to be elected by the General Assembly of CINVU in accordance the Article 9.1.1. of the Statute of CINVU, should have the least following qualifications and capacities:
2.1. Being engaged in the virtual university activities and operations;
2.2. having capacity in understanding, reviewing and concluding the annual programs and budgets of CINVU to be submitted to the Executive Committee;
2.3. Having experiences and practices in administrating and managing virtual university or any academic forum and attracting the relevant students and scholars in its own capacities and plans;
2.4. Being able to create and administer academic courses and majors in its capacity as virtual university;
2.5 Having capacity to communicate, cooperate and coordinate with CINVU General Secretary for the purposes of the Statute of CINVU;
2.6. Being able to communicate and coordinate with the academic authorities of its own jurisdiction such as the ministry of higher education, and the relevant educational authorities;
2.7. Having the proper structure and foundations of the virtual universities or being able to create such infrastructures in line with the objectives of CINVU
3. Members of the Executive Committee will be adopted by the majority vote of the Members of CINVU in the General Assembly.
1. The Executive Committee will be considered as one of the main structures of CINVU, as envisaged in Article 7 of the Statute of CINVU;
2. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee will the appointed by the majority vote of the Members of the Executive Committee to manage and administer the Committee for a period of two years. The same Chairperson could be re-elected by the Members of the Executive Committee for another period of two years;
3. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall manage the Executive Committee meetings as stipulated in Article 12.5.1. of the Statute of CINVU;
4. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall maintain close cooperation with the Secretary General and members of the Executive Committee for the realization of CINVU goals and plans as stipulated in Article 12.5.2. of the Statute of CINVU.
1. The number of the Members of the Executive Committee constitutes of the nine (9) members including the Secretary General of CINVU;
2. In addition to the nine Members of the Executive Committee, the observer members of CINVU can also be appointed by the General Assembly as the Members of CINVU without having a right to vote;
3. Members of the Executive Committee will be appointed by the General Assembly of CINVU for a period of four (4) years and could be re-appointed for another one more four (4) years term only if appointed by the General Assembly of CINVU.
4. The Members of the Executive Committee shall comprise the following Members:
4.1. Secretary General of CINVU;
4.2. Representative of the COMSTECH;
4.3. Four (4) Members from the Courtiers of the Asian Continent;
4.4. Two (2) Members from the Countries of the African Continent;
4.5. One (1) Member from the Countries of the European and American Continents.
5. The Members of the Executive Committee can establish and join different subcommittees to the Executive Committee, as per the Article 12.4. of the Statue of CINVU;
6. Virtual colleges, faculties and universities from the IOC’s Member States that become Members of CINVU, will get benefits of CINVU Membership, when they pay the membership fee as per the review and approval of the Executive Committee of CINVU;
7. Virtual colleges, faculties and universities from non-Islamic countries that become Observant Members of CINVU, will get benefits of CINVU Membership, when they pay the membership fee as per the review and approval of the Executive Committee of CINVU.
1. The Executive Committee shall sit the least twice a year with the Secretary General, either in persons or via virtual means, in order to review and discuss issues related to and connected with CINVU and to secure the best outcomes of CINVU approved plans and programs;
2. the Executive Committee may sit for any other meetings or session as deemed to be necessary and decided by the majority Members of the Executive Committee or as may be requested in written by the Secretary General of CINVU;
3. Urgent and emergency meetings could be held either as per the written request of the General Assembly or two third votes of the Members of the Executive Committee to deal with the urgent issues related to or connected with the Members of the Committee;
4. The Secretary General may invite individuals to attend in the Executive Committee as its Counsel(s) without having a right to vote;
5. The quorum of the Executive Committee will be made effective when simple majority, i.e. fifty percent plus (i.e. 50% + 1) Members of the Committee is present in the meeting;
6. All the decisions of the Executive Committee will be effective and final when decided by the simple majority, i.e. fifty percent plus (i.e. 50% + 1) Members of the Committee.
7. In case if the simple majority could not be established then the Chairperson of the Committee will have the casting vote to decide the concerned issue.
1. The Annual Membership fee of CINVU is 2000 Euro annually for the Full Members of CINVU and for the Observer Members of CINVU;
2. The Membership fee will be paid into the Foreign Currency nominated by the Secretary General that to be spent for the purposes of CINVU;
3. Members of the Executive Committee will be remunerated for their meetings held under this By-Law Instrument. The remuneration fee will be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Assembly.
This By-Law Instrument of the Executive Committee has been reviewed and approved by CINVU Members in the 2nd Generally Assembly Meeting held in Tehran dated 7 October2019.
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