CINVU Supreme Strategic Council Education Committee
In the Structure and the By-Law of the Comprehensive Cooperation of the CINVU Members, the Educational, Research, Cultural, Economic, Media, Development and Growth, IT and Startups Specialized Committees in the Supreme Strategic Council of this International Scientific and Academic Organization are Responsible for the Mission of Helping to Advance the Programs. Meanwhile, in Case of Necessity, in Order to Strengthen Other Activities, the Formation of Specialized Committees is also Foreseen.
Based on the Seventh Paragraph of the Definitions of the Terms used in the By-Law of the Comprehensive Cooperation of the CINVU Members, the Specialized Committees of the Supreme Strategic Council of this International Scientific and Academic Organization, are Responsible for Reviewing and Approving Network Programs in the Process of Educational, Research, Cultural, Social, Student Cooperation, Commercialization of Knowledge, Issuance of Licenses and and Other Important Issues that have a Decisive Role.
The CINVU Education Committee Nature
The CINVU International Organization Supreme Strategic Council Education Committee, Organized by International Professors and Managers of Universities and Higher Education Institutions in Islamic Countries, is the Arm of this Scientific Network in the Advisory and Synergistic Role of the Educational Field.The CINVU Education Committee Nature
This Specialized Committee is Led by Internationally Renowned Professors, each of Whom has a Distinguished Background in Functional and Expert Positions. Meanwhile, with the Addition of New Professors from Other Universities, the Scope of this Committee's Activities will Increase in the Future.
The CINVU Education Committee Mission
In Relation to the Mission and Functions of the Education Committee of the Supreme Strategic Council of CINVU, the By-Law of the Comprehensive Cooperation of the CINVU Members has Referred to Propositions in the Educational Cooperation Section that All of them are Within the Executive or Supervisory Powers of this Committee:
The CINVU Education Committee Mission
In Relation to the Mission and Functions of the Education Committee of the Supreme Strategic Council of CINVU, the By-Law of the Comprehensive Cooperation of the CINVU Members has Referred to Propositions in the Educational Cooperation Section that All of them are Within the Executive or Supervisory Powers of this Committee:
Educational cooperation is possible in different formats between members, which will be mentioned separately according to the type of cooperation;
The main goal of this cooperation is to identify the capacities of the members, synergize and carry out joint educational projects in a virtual and combined manner so that the level of education increases significantly and is effective in realizing educational justice in an intelligent manner in the Islamic world.
A) Conducting Training Courses:
1. In the implementation of the goals set in the training courses in the form of the following 5 courses:
- Short.term courses;
- Cross.sectional courses;
- General courses;
- Professional skill training courses;
- Special courses.
All the member institutions (meaning the member institutions, paragraph number 10 of part C in the first part of the regulations) upload their courses on the network portal based on their approved educational programs and provides the possibility of benefiting from this type of education for students and applicants according to the educational calendar they provide and doing these trainings can be done in groups and organizations or individually and based on tuition/syllabus instructions and other things that are necessary to pass the course or training package, are done through registration in the network portal.
2. Academic degrees or relevant certificates are issued after the completion and approval of the courses individually or jointly with the approval of the permanent secretariat of the network; in other words, the above certificate and documents are issued with the digital confirmation or physical signatures, and for its validation, it is based on the identification code that can be traced in the CINVU comprehensive inquiry system.
3. All executive matters of educational cooperation are carried out under the permanent supervision of the educational committee and the permanent secretariat of CINVU.
4. The CINVU educational committee is responsible for the following duties:
1.4. Evaluation of the current status of virtual education in the Islamic world and studies regarding achieving the desired status of this field;
2.4. Investigating, analyzing and diagnosing the processes of doing work and providing suggestions to improve the efficiency of education and achieve the desired state of education in the Islamic world;
3.4. Preparation and compilation of policies, suitable solutions and practical methods in order to improve the performance and increase the quality of trainings;
4.4. Identifying countries and universities that do not benefit from higher education and helping to strengthen them;
4.5. Reviewing and suggesting completion and modification of instructions, technical specifications, rules and standards used in the field of education;
6.4. Coordinating and supporting to hold joint courses at the 5 levels mentioned among the members and verifying the documents and certificates;
4.7. Managing the issuance of educational licenses for all applicants of related educational institutions and centers;
8.4. Standardization, evaluation, validation and accreditation to the nature of institutions and educational centers and the certificates and documents related to them;
4.9. Ranking of related educational institutions and centers in the Islamic world;
4.10. Cooperation in the exchange of students, professors, fields, resources and other matters related to integrated educational management in the Islamic world;
4.11. Maximum use of the capacity of member and non.member institutions, knowledge.based companies and other related institutions to advance programs;
4.12. Coordination with the permanent secretariat of the network for cooperation and implementation of affairs.
5. The permanent secretariat of CINVU is responsible for the following duties:
5.1. Inviting members to attend meetings;
5.2. Preparing agendas and minutes of council meetings;
3.5. Compilation and amendment of internal regulations;
5.4. Creating continuous and dynamic communication with the committees and following up on council approvals;
5.5. Sending performance reports of specialized committees to the Council;
5.6. Preparation and presentation of comprehensive reports on the progress of implementation of plans and programs to relevant authorities.
6. Considering the standardization and ranking of member universities and their periodic evaluation in terms of ranking, member institutions, they should provide the latest evaluations and capabilities of the network members in the field of education to the secretary of the CINVU Education Committee to introduce and utilize all the capacities and opportunities for specific and general audiences in order to develop and balance university educational capacities.
7. In order to facilitate the cooperation process, courses that have the ability to provide special content in terms of syllabi, given that they are provided through the top professors of the member universities, students can get their degree by passing this course aggregatly.
8. Member institutions, a list of capable international professors to the CINVU Education Committee through correspondence, they offer to define international professor IDs for them to provide different trainings in the authentic platforms introduced by CINVU.
9. Students of the member institutions can apply for an international student ID through the institutions in order to take advantage of the capacity to take courses, participate in training courses, support strategic and knowledge.based projects, opportunities Studies, student services and other matters related to students' affairs should be used with the cooperation of all committees.
10. The international validity of CINVU certificates and documents is applicable to all legal and substantive persons according to the standards of the Education Committee which was done by the Secretary General of CINVU before the approval of this regulation, and after the approval of this regulation, the CINVU Education Committee will be responsible for this and the validity of its continuous courses is confirmed for all member institutions and the Ministry of Higher Education of the countries and the courses will be valid with the approval of the head of the institutions and the education committee the main goal of the accreditation process is to reduce bureaucracy to facilitate cooperation between member institutions.
11. The language of conducting the courses is Arabic, English, French and other native languages of countries that can be presented at international levels.
12. The amount of course fees, teaching fees, added value is defined by the presenters based on the type of course, and according to CINVU's agreement with the presenters, the income of each presenter is determined and deposited;
The related income for CINVU will be spent for organizational purposes such as salaries of colleagues, committees and other activists associated with CINVU are part of those expenses and supporting projects, infrastructure development and activities and other programs, including expenses, are these revenues.
13. Medical training courses are held in coordination with academicians and educational centers licensed by the diagnostic authority in this field.
14. Educations related to the field of prevention, health and lifestyle are possible with leading educational institutions and centers that have the necessary standards and relevant licenses.
15. International and national institutions make payments through the CINVU portal that these payments include membership fees, tuition fees, educational services, research, technology and other resources allowed in CINVU's statutes.
16. If the members agree, valid digital currencies can be the basis of payment for CINVU, which will be informed in the form of official announcements.
17. Virtual and combined education infrastructure provided by CINVU has high standards which fully ensures the transfer of knowledge for the training applicant and provides a more complete service than training in some cases.
B) Recruitment & Exchange of Student:
1. Due to the fact that in virtual education, there are many different capacities in terms of the possibility of accessing different areas and disciplines for applicants of higher education and other educational courses therefore, according to this regulation, it will be possible to exchange students in a virtual and combined form with the approvals announced by the member institutions.
2. The member institutions, in the CINVU comprehensive system, enter the necessary information provided by the CINVU education committee, according to the framework established in the system, in order to take necessary measures regarding the student exchange processes between the members.
3. According to the headings presented in the languages mentioned in paragraph 11 of part A of the second part of this regulation, students can choose their field, course, professor and other services provided by the members in each of the member institutions of the network through the CINVU comprehensive system that system intelligently directs the applicants to the member collections.
4. All courses, fileds and professors in CINVU are approved by all members who accepted this regulation and to admit students in their interests, after CINVU approval, they will not create any obstacles to continue their studies.
5. Student exchange takes place at all educational levels, especially Academic and Degree levels, and there is also the possibility of guest and transfer.
6. CINVU receives a percentage of related tuition fees from each student for CINVU's expenses for the services it provides for the exchange of students between members that the percentage of which is agreed upon for services and interaction with each university.
Note: If the annual membership fee is paid regularly by the member institutions, the percentage of receiving services will be significantly reduced and in some cases will reach zero.
7. According to the needs of students regarding obtaining the necessary information, each institution is obliged to prepare a clip of its introduction in international languages and CINVU will upload it to each institution's introduction file on
8. Students who study in the structure of virtual education and in case of need, it is necessary to pass a part of the course in person (combined education), to travel to the member countries, all matters related to residence are provided by the destination countries.
9. Obtaining the CINVU International ID is mandatory for all students of member institutions, and the process of obtaining this ID will be done in cooperation with the institutions and the CINVU Education Committee.
10. The classification of branches of humanities, basic sciences, technical and engineering, medicine and interdisciplinary topics in the process of recruitment and exchange in postgraduate education is done according to the regulations of the universities.
11. Financial matters including tuition fees, inquiries and other requirements can be accessed in the CINVU comprehensive system and the relevant section.
12. Obtaining permits to recruit and exchange students virtually and holding eligibility verification tests for entry into bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees will be done through institutions and with the support of CINVU and the Ministry of Higher Education of the countries, with the approval of CINVU and member institutions, will proceed to admit students.
C) Recruitment & Exchange of Professors:
1. Using the scientific capacities of the professors of the member institutions, according to this regulation, in the form of different courses in the form of visiting, right.teaching, associate, scientific or faculty members, based on the university rank according to the defined possibility identifier. will be acceptable that it is necessary for the institutions to upload the necessary information in the relevant part of the CINVU comprehensive system, which processes are available.
2. Professors can teach in the languages mentioned in this regulation.
Note: If the conditions are available, it is possible to teach in the native languages of the countries, according to the following guidelines.
3. Obtaining the CINVU international ID is mandatory for all professors of the member institutions, and the process of obtaining this ID will be done in cooperation with the institutions and the CINVU Education Committee.
4. Study opportunities are available in the form of virtual educational tours for professors in member countries by registering an application in the CINVU comprehensive system in the relevant section, and in.person tours will also be possible.
5. Intelligent teaching management system for professors of member institutions, according to declared indicators such as: The level of students' satisfaction with the professor, job creation and skill enhancement for students and other things can be effective in the promotion of professors' rank and related rewards whose system will be presented and completed over time.
6. The method of teaching, related tests, feedback on the level of education of the applicant and other matters related to this field will be available in the comprehensive system of CINVU and the relevant section.
7. Teaching fees and other matters related to professors' payments will be presented in the definitions of courses and sections and through the relevant systems.
8. Privileges for teachers' free training as well as private tutoring obtained through CINVU are unimpeded after the necessary notifications are made in compliance with the members' rights.
9. With the approval and support of CINVU and the cooperation of the member institutions, all relevant institutions in the countries will provide the necessary facilitation and assistance in the process of recruiting and exchanging professors.
10. The Ministerial Committee for Science and Technology of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMSTECH) will provide full support in the process of recruiting and exchanging professors, students, disciplines and resources, integration of documents and other related matters in cases of approval by the ministries of higher education, this support will be through the holding of COMSTECH annual general meetings and assemblies, effective correspondence with the ministries and other legal methods approved by the OIC.
D) Exchange of Subjects & Resources:
1. According to the scientific conditions and characteristics of member institutions and educational centers, it is possible to exchange some courses and resources that can be provided to other members.
2. Due to the fact that the privileges and rights created by this matter are considered exclusive or franchised for the institutions or higher education centers that provide it, other members who benefit from this matter shall have the above privilege from The entire income or tuition payment will work.
Note: In order to be a pioneer in doing this, it is recommended, this exclusive right be at his disposal as long as the said institution takes action to replace the resources in the new field and if new courses are not offered after being held in an educational period of at least 2 years, this right will automatically be terminated and in order not to lose the acquired rights within a period of 4 months, before the expiration, it will be notified to the relevant member of the matter.
3. The disciplines and resources needed by the members will be agreed upon in the meetings that will be held continuously by their representatives in the CINVU committees, and CINVU will enter if needed regarding the quality of the contents.
4. Uploading courses, resources in CINVU comprehensive system will be done in the relevant section.
5. The languages approved by CINVU are those mentioned in this regulation and constitution.
6. Postgraduate education approach, interdisciplinary studies, production of scientific contents with an international approach, understandable, appropriate to the common culture of Islamic countries and religious commonalities, technological, production.oriented and product.oriented, it will be among the missions of the CINVU member institutions.
7. Obtaining the field and resource license will be according to the rules and regulations in the member countries; If needed, it is possible to create international courses and resources with the cooperation of the CINVU Education Committee, which after approval by all members, through the support of COMSTECH and also the members, the ministries of the countries, can be approved and implement it that the creation of these fields and resources will not be against the rules and regulations governing customs, culture and other important issues of the countries.
E) Integration of Documents & Certificates:
1. In order to make optimal use of educational capacities and resources, the integration of documents and certificates of member institutions will be implemented for students who have completed their studies in CINVU member institutions at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels, so that the applicants can continue their studies in a virtual and hybrid way, according to their interests, in bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees without complex and difficult processes of validation and evaluation of documents and certificates by countries and institutions.
2. All applicants who wish to have accredited documents with different grades will participate in the test that is periodically conducted by the destination university in the comprehensive system of CINVU for courses or fields and after confirming the completion of the degree by the source institution and CINVU (CINVU international authenticity code), the destination institution will accept the student without re.validation and evaluation.
3. All members will accept documents and certificates issued by each other without any obstacles after CINVU approval that the regulatory processes for these matters will be developed and implemented in the legal frameworks for each institution, and this acceptance will not interfere with the regulations related to educational courses in academic levels with short.term educational courses.
4. The information related to all the graduates of the member institutions will be uploaded in the CINVU comprehensive system and in the relevant section to confirm the authenticity so that, while receiving the relevant code, the applicants who intend to continue their education in different member countries, can proceed with the registration to recruitment and training processes.
5. By carrying out information loading processes in the CINVU comprehensive system, in an intelligent way, all the graduates of the education levels and courses have their information registered and accessible in the CINVU comprehensive system as well as other member institutions and the integration of documents will be definitely achieved.
Note: Regarding the integration process, the regulations related to universities and the relevant ministry are given priority, and if necessary, the regulations related to CINVU cooperation, in the cases attached to this regulation, should be amended. and will be updated.
F) Ranking of Institutions:
1. It will be possible to rank institutions based on the following indicators:
- Hardware and software resources and infrastructure;
- Internal/foreign student acceptance capacity;
- Number of study fields/educational groups;
- The history and brilliant background of higher education activities;
- Academic level and ranks of the members of the academic staff working in an official/contractual/teaching capacity;
- Having domestic and foreign agencies and branches;
- Type of academic/ governmental/public/private ownership;
- Infrastructure facilities and physical infrastructure;
- The existence of organizations and units related to higher education centers in the form of legal and real / research / service organizations / knowledge.based companies based on production / publishing and intellectual property;
- Facilities and development plans for medium and long.term programs of the higher education center and its phased realization;
- Conducting research activities in different courses, including applied/fundamental/knowledge.based and its effectiveness in theses in order to improve the quality and quantity of research activities;
- Effective cultural activities in improving the level of cultural, social, poverty alleviation, development oriented cooperation;
- Activities related to the commercialization of knowledge and technology;
- The amount of transactions based on the export of products with the highest standard in Islamic countries and other countries.
2. This ranking will start after the approval of the regulations by the CINVU education committee and with the cooperation of the members.
3. The ranking is updated every two years.
4. The portal related to the ranking of institutions will be activated in the CINVU comprehensive system.
5. The points of this ranking for different institutions will be prepared later and its results will be visible for the top institutions in different formats.
G) Implementation of Educational Cooperation of Members:
1. The Secretary General of CINVU will issue appointments rules to all the members of the Education Committee of the CINVU Strategic Council and other influential people in this field, including heads and assistants of education of institutions, influential scientific, executive and legal personalities in the Islamic world and other people who they can play a role in advancing these matters, they can be among its main members.
2. Financial discussions and payments of committee members and executive directors will be possible within CINVU frameworks.
3. Other duties of the said committee will be implemented gradually with the cooperation of the members.
4. Completing all processes related to training courses, exchange of students, professors, fields and resources, integration of documents, ratings and other required items within 6 months from the date of approval of the regulations in the CINVU comprehensive system, with the cooperation of all members, it is possible to the permanent secretariat and CINVU committees, in case of cooperation of all members, undertake to carry out processes and provide related infrastructures with the cooperation of knowledge.based institutions and companies of their understanding;
5. Secretaries and members of some committees whose appointments were previously issued by the Secretary General of CINVU, their activities will be valid according to the announced appointments, as long as the Secretary General has not given them a new notification.