Brings to the attention of the CINVU's Dear Members; Simultaneously with the start of the trial operation of the CINV...

Brings to the attention of the CINVU International Organization's Dear Members; Due to the synchronization of regulat...
It's informed to the CINVU International Organization's esteemed members; the CINVU Education and Research Committee'...
We bring to the attention of the CINVU International Organization's dear members; Iran's MSRT International Scientifi...
It Brings to the Attention of the CINVU International Organization Respected Members; The Second Meeting of the CINVU...
It Brings to the Attention of the CINVU International Organization Respected Members; The Second Meeting of the CINVU...
It Informs the General Audience of CINVU; As stated in previous announcements and correspondence, due to the wide ran...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; In line with the missions and missions mentioned in the...
It Informs the General Audience of CINVU; Any commercial and legal exploitation of the name and symbol of CINVU, conc...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; The First Meeting of the Research Committee of the Supr...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; The First Meeting of the Education Committee of the Sup...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; From Now On, the Contact Number +982191011078 Will Be t...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; The New List of CINVU Non Academic Members & Partne...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; The New List of CINVU Academic Members, formed from Uni...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; Due to the lack of preparation of the organizer and in ...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; Following the conclusion of the cooperation document be...
Following the publication of the list of academic, non-academic members and partner collections of CINVU on 2022/08/1...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; Facilities for providing virtual education infrastructu...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; Regarding the submission of numerous requests to study ...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; CINVU Certification Inquiry System has been moved to ht...