CINVU | COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities
CINVU at a Glance

Providing Special Tourism Services to CINVU Members

Providing Special Tourism Services to CINVU Members

  • 2022/11/15

It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; Following the conclusion of the cooperation document between Shahpar Aria Flight Air Travel and Tourism Company and CINVU, tourism services include the preparation and issuance of plane tickets and hotel reservations for professors, faculty members, dear students and their families.

Shahpar Aria Flight Air Travel and Tourism Company with more than 10 years of experience, also special travel packages like individual and group tours in all parts of Iran, exhibition tourism services, scientific tourism services, specialized services related to holding gatherings, scientific and sports seminars, symposiums and olympiads, training courses while traveling and short term specialized tourism training courses based on today's world standards, offers competitive tariffs and special discounts for the large family of CINVU.

Those interested in using special tourism services for members of CINVU and information about other plans and services can contact the experts of Shahpar Aria Flight Air Travel and Tourism Services through the following communication channels.

