With a decree from the Deputy of Strategic Executive Affairs and Head of the Permanent Secretaria...

With a decree from the Deputy of Strategic Executive Affairs and Head of the Permanent Secretar...
The expansion of the educational, scientific and technological capabilities of the Afghanistan pe...
It Informs the General Audience of CINVU; As stated in previous announcements and correspondence,...
International meeting "Examination of jurisprudential and legal aspects of insulting the Holy Qur...
In line with expand educational and research cooperation based on information technology, the Gaw...
In order to expand scientific, educational, health and medical cooperation, the Secretary General...
It Informs the General Audience of CINVU; Any commercial and legal exploitation of the name and s...
In line with expand educational and research cooperation, the Cyprus International University by ...
In Line with Expand Educational and Research Cooperation, the Alborz Campus of University of Tehr...
In Line with the Expansion of Scientific, Technological and Research Cooperation, the Phytochemis...
In Line with Expand Scientific, Educational, Health and Medical Cooperation, the North Khorasan U...
In Order to Achieve the Executive Mechanism of Educational, Research and Scientific and Technolog...
The Parliamentary Deputy of the President of Iran during his Visit to the 34th Tehran Internation...
In the First Meeting of the Research Committee of the Supreme Strategic Council of CINVU, the Imp...
In the First Meeting of the Education Committee of the Supreme Strategic Council of CINVU, the Im...
It Brings to the Attention of the Respected Members of CINVU; The First Meeting of the Research C...
The Tech Hybrids LLC by Accepting the Membership Certificate of CINVU Joined the Big Family of th...
The Gulf for the Protection of Intellectual Property LLC by Accepting the Membership Certificate ...
The Omani Association for Intellectual Property by Accepting the Membership Certificate of CINVU ...