CINVU | COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities
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Details of Educational and Research Collaborations Scrutinized at CINVU's Third Committees Meeting

Details of Educational and Research Collaborations Scrutinized at CINVU's Third Committees Meeting

  • 2024/11/25

The third meeting of CINVU's education and research committees, with the goal of accelerating cooperation, examined the details and methods of engagement of universities and higher education and training institutions of Islamic countries in CINVU's educational and research programs.

According to the CINVU Public Relations Report, Conversation, Viewpoints Expression, Policy Making, and Readiness Expressions regarding the establishment of educational departments, providing access to each other's educational and research capabilities, and collaboration in the CINVU Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Education Services, known as CEAQUALES, and the CINVUPLUS SuperApp, were among the outcomes of the third meeting of CINVU's education and research committees.

Stating that the CINVU Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Education Services body, known as CEAQUALES has been launched, the CINVU Education Director and Secretary of the Education and Research Committees of this academic network, Dr. Ahmad Pourghassem said: The first step in implementing the CEAQUALES has been in the area of second language education, which, after structural testing, will be expanded to other knowledge.

Continuing, by stating that the infrastructure for receiving educational courses and addressing the educational needs of universities or higher education institutions has been established, the secretary of CINVU's education and research committees added: The time has come to share educational and research resources; CINVU is ready to launch new departments and programs, and universities with beneficial programs for universities of other countries can accelerate their implementation through collaboration with CINVU.

In explaining and clarifying the CEAQUALES body, the CINVU Research Director and Head of the Language Training Center of this academic network, Dr. Elham Gerami said: CINVU, working with COMSTECH, ministries of higher education, and universities, will establish standards for all educational and research activities through the CEAQUALES mechanism, therefore we welcome collaboration with universities and academics elites in the CEAQUALES implementation working groups.

The CINVU Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Education Services, known as CEAQUALES, is a new educational program of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the result will be the standardization of education and assessment across universities and educational institutions in 57 Islamic countries. Also, CINVU plans to establish various educational departments in Islamic countries to promote collaboration and deliver educational and research programs based on international standards.

Continuing this event, which included a demonstration of the CINVUPLUS SuperApp beta, Dr. Ali Karimi Morid, CINVU's Strategic and Executive Deputy and Head of Secretariat, described CINVUPLUS as the Islamic world's first academic platform, designed to boost education, research, and knowledge-based activities that empower Islamic countries.

Noting that all CINVU's Academic, Educational, and Knowledge-Based Members have dedicated pages within the CINVUPLUS SuperApp, he continued: Universities, Academic, and Educational Institutions have the opportunity to share their educational and skills content with a broad audience across Islamic countries.

Karimi Morid announced that the Fourth CINVU General Assembly will take place next February, adding: The Fourth CINVU General Assembly in Tehran will welcome CINVU academic and non-academic members, guests from Islamic universities particularly from Persian Gulf zone states, ministers of higher education, and Islamic ambassadors.

Based on this report, in the first step of using the CINVUPLUS SuperApp, tools such as Learning Management System (LMS), Image and Video Sharing (Posts), and two-user and group conversations are presented to users (Chat), and in the future steps, other tools, such as Testing System (Exam), and Querying International Certificates (Accreditation), etc., will be added to this SuperApp, so that all the tools are available to all users before the Fourth CINVU General Assembly.

The third meeting of CINVU's education and research committees included representatives from universities and higher education institutions across the Islamic world, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, Turkiye, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire, etc.

It is worth mentioning that the COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) is an international educational, research, knowledge-based, and technology network affiliated with the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMSTECH), which is hosted by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran. With the idea of creating educational equity, CINVU is a base for expanding universal public education based on smart and online technology that by networking of capacities, uses the power of education, research, innovation, and technology, in line with the approach of helping to empower and advance the countries of the Islamic world.

The third meeting of CINVU's education and research committees, with the goal of accelerating cooperation, examined the details and methods of engagement of universities and higher education and training institutions of Islamic countries in CINVU's educational and research programs.

