CINVU | COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities
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The First Sub-Branch of the CEAQUALES International Mechanism has Begun Work on Standardizing Persian Language and Culture Education

The First Sub-Branch of the CEAQUALES International Mechanism has Begun Work on Standardizing Persian Language and Culture Education

  • 2024/11/16

The first sub-branch of the CEAQUALES International Mechanism has started standardizing Persian language and culture education in collaboration with CINVU and an organized executive group of leading scholars and PhD graduates of Persian language education.

According to the CINVU Public Relations Report, The CINVU Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Education Services, named CEAQUALES, is a new educational program of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the result will be the standardization of education and assessment across universities and educational institutions in 57 Islamic countries.

At the launch ceremony for the first CEAQUALES sub-branch, CINVU Education Director, Dr. Ahmed Pourghasem said: The position of the standardization body is to organize the method and manner of education and examination and the executor is responsible for training and evaluation based on those standards, therefore, CINVU's fundamental approach in the CEAQUALES mechanism is educational standardization, and its cooperation with universities, institutes, etc will be in the implementation of these standards.

CINVU Education Director, Dr. Elham Garami mentioned the special task of the CINVU Research Management including charting and implementing strategies based on the obtained evidence, more efficient policy-making, improving the quality of higher education services, improving the culture of innovation in educational and student services, and expanding the culture of continuous evaluation and review are the results of which will lead to standardization and international accreditation and improve the educational position in international rankings, and its findings will be disseminated through academic platforms such as reports, publications, databases, policy documents, and more.

The first step in the implementation of CEAQUALES, the CINVU Evaluation, and Accreditation of Quality in Education Services, was in the field of Farsi culture and language education, which, after structural testing, will be extended to other knowledge in the sub-fields of language and literature, humanities, engineering sciences, medical sciences, art, etc.

CINVU Secretary General, Dr. Karim Najafi Barzegar considered the standardization of education and assessment necessary and stated that it is believed that many people in the world know the Persian language through the poems of scholars such as Ferdowsi, Hafez, and Saadi, said the Persian Scientists efforts such as Khayyam, Razi, Biruni and Porsina, Persian language has been the language of mathematics, chemistry, astronomy and medicine in the past, therefore, to create the passion and fascination of language learners, a good and fluent method and content along with innovation should be used in the expansion of Persian language and culture education.

Based on its roadmap and fundamental approach, CINVU has begun empowering the knowledge-base of Islamic countries, especially underserved areas, by providing educational and research technological infrastructures, standardization of education and assessment, support for research projects, creation of added value, and knowledge-based facing challenges in lesser-known areas and the unwanted. This network is currently implementing step-by-step the CEAQUALES mechanism for the standardization of education quality and the CEATQUALES mechanism for the standardization of professors' quality in cooperation with four fundamental groups from Islamic countries.

In part of this event, Dr. Ali Karimi-Morid, CINVU Executive Strategic Deputy, said that CINVU's point of view is based on the approach of including all the dynamic members of this network in the added value obtained from its new programs.

It is worth mentioning that the COMSTECH Inter-Islamic Network on Virtual Universities (CINVU) is an international educational, research, knowledge-based, and technology network affiliated with the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMSTECH), which is hosted by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran. With the idea of creating educational equity, CINVU is a base for expanding universal public education based on smart and online technology that by networking of capacities, uses the power of education, research, innovation, and technology, in line with the approach of helping to empower and advance the countries of the Islamic world.

- CEAQUALES: CINVU Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Education Services
- CEATQUALES: CINVU Evaluation and Accreditation of Teachers’ Quality in Education Services

The first sub-branch of the CEAQUALES International Mechanism has started standardizing Persian language and culture education in collaboration with CINVU and an organized executive group of leading scholars and PhD graduates of Persian language education.